- 放射光蛍光X線を用いるヒ素超集積植物モエジマシダ(Pteris vittata L.)におけるヒ素およびセレン蓄積機構の解明, X線分析の進歩, 279-291, 花嶋宏起,北島信行,阿部知子,保倉明子
- Zinc and/or cadmium accumulation in Gynura pseudochina (L.) DC. studied in vitro and the effect on crude protein, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1036, 279-291, N. Panitlertumpai, W. Nakbanpote, A. Sangdee, K. Thumanu, I. Nakai, A. Hokura
- 2012年X線分析関連文献総合報告,X線分析の進歩,41-72,江場宏美,国村伸祐,篠田弘造,永谷広久,中野和彦,保倉明子,松林信行,森 良弘,山本 孝
- 高感度蛍光X 線分析装置を用いる唐辛子中微量元素の定量および産地判別手法の開発,X線分析の進歩,43, 369-380, (2012),柴沢 恵,久世典子,稲垣和三,中井 泉,保倉明子.
- 放射光蛍光X線分析を用いる重金属超蓄積シダ植物ヘビノネゴザ(Athyrium yokoscense)におけるCd蓄積機構の研究,X線分析の進歩,43, 355-368, (2012),田岡裕規,保倉明子,後藤文之,吉原利一,阿部知子,寺田靖子,中井 泉.
- Assessment of willow (Salix sp.) as a woody heavy metal accumulator: field survey and in vivo X-ray analyses: Metallomics, 3(12), 1340-1346 (2011), Emiko Harada, Akiko Hokura, Izumi Nakai, Yasuko Terada, Kei’ichi Baba, Kazufumi Yazaki, Masamichi Shiono, Naoharu Mizuno and Takafumi Mizuno.
- Distribution and speciation of chromium accumulated in Gynura pseudochina (L.) DC.: Environmental and Experimental Botany, 74, 56-64, (2011), B. Mongkhonsin, W. Nakbanpote, I. Nakai, A. Hokura, N. Jearanaikoon.
- Silver speciation in liver of marine mammals by synchrotron X-ray absorption fine structure and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopies: Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 13(6), 1678-1689 (2011), Emiko Nakazawa, Tokutaka Ikemoto, Akiko Hokura, Yasuko Terada, Takashi Kunito, Takahito Yamamoto, Tadasu K. Yamada, Fernando C. W. Rosas, Gilberto Fillmann, Shinsuke Tanabe and Izumi Nakai.
- The presence of mercury selenide in various tissues of the striped dolphin: evidence from μ-XRF-XRD and XAFS analyses: Metallomics, 3(7), 719-725 (2011), Emiko Nakazawa, Tokutaka Ikemoto, Akiko Hokura, Yasuko Terada, Takashi Kunito, Shinsuke Tanabeb and Izumi Nakai.
- 放射光マイクロビーム蛍光X線分析とXAFS解析によるホンモンジゴケ(Scopelophil acataractae)体内における銅と鉛の蓄積に関する研究:X線分析の進歩, 42, 347-358 (2011), 吉井雄一,保倉明子, 阿部知子, 井藤賀 操,榊原 均,寺田靖子,中井 泉.
- Cadmium distribution in the root tissues of solanaceous plants with contrasting root-to-shoot Cd translocation efficiencies: Environmental and Experimental Botany, 71(2), 198-206 (2011), Noriko Yamaguchi, Shinsuke Mori, Koji Baba, Saeko Kaburagi-Yada, Tomohito Arao, Nobuyuki Kitajima, Akiko Hokura, Yasuko Terada.
- 偏光光学系蛍光X線分析装置を用いたコーヒー豆の微量元素分析及び産地判別への適用:分析化学、59(10), 863-872 (2010), 赤峰生朗、大高亜生子、保倉明子、伊藤勇二、中井 泉.
- 放射光マイクロビーム蛍光X線分析とX線吸収微細構造解析を用いたイネのカドミウムの蓄積機構に関する研究:分析化学, 59(6), 463-475 (2010), 山岡 和希子, 高田 沙織, 竹久 妃奈子, 林 依子, 保倉 明子, 寺田 靖子, 阿部 知子, 中井 泉.
- レーザーアブレーション―誘導結合プラズマ質量分析装置を用いた微量元素分析によるトランクマット単繊維の異同識別法の検討:分析化学、59(9), 759-770 (2010),廣間侑希、保倉明子、中井 泉.
- Characterization of Cadmium Accumulation in Willow as a Woody Metal Accumulator Using Synchrotron Radiation‐Based X‐ray Microanalyses: Plant Cell Physiol., 51(5): 848-853, (2010), Harada E, Hokura A, Takada S, Baba K, Terada Y, Nakai I, Yazaki K.
- In vivo micro X-ray analysis utilizing synchrotron radiation of the gametophytes of three arsenic accumulating ferns, Pteris vittata L., Pteris cretica L. and Athyrium yokoscense, in different growth stages: Metallomics, 2(4), 261-270 (2010), Teruhiko Kashiwabara, Sakiko Mitsuo, Akiko Hokura, Nobuyuki Kitajima, Tomoko Abe and Izumi Nakai.
- 三次元偏光光学系蛍光X線分析装置を用いる大気浮遊粒子状物質(PM2.5)の微量元素分析, 分析化学, 59(1), 23-33 (2010),米澤周平, 保倉明子,松田賢士,紀本岳志,中井 泉.
- In vivo analysis of metal distribution and expression of metal transporters in rice seed during germination process by microarray and X-ray Fluorescence Imaging of Fe, Zn, Mn, and Cu: Plant and Soil, 325, 39-51 (2009), Michiko Takahashi, Tomoko Nozoye, Nobuyuki Kitajima, Naoki Fukuda, Akiko Hokura, Yasuko Terada, Izumi Nakai, Yasuhiro Ishimaru, Takanori Kobayashi, Hiromi Nakanishi, Naoko K Nishizawa.
- Characterization of Cadmium Accumulation in Woody Metal Accumulator Willow (salix sp.) Using Synchrotron-Radiation Based X-ray Microanalyses: The 9th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies Proceedings, 77-78 (2009), Harada,E., Hokura,A., Takada,S., Baba,K. , Terada,Y., Nakai,I. and Yazaki,K.
- 蛍光X線分析法による小麦粉中の微量元素定量と産地判別への応用:分析化学,分析化学,58(12), 1011-1022 (2009),大高亜生子, 簗田陽子,保倉明子,松田賢士,中井 泉.
- 放射性炭素年代測定における炭化物試料の酸-塩基-酸前処理法に対する化学的検証:第四紀研究,48(4), 289-294 (2009), 渥美 晋・米田 穣・柴田康行・保倉明子・中井 泉.
- 樹皮に沈着した重金属汚染モニタリングのための合成樹脂接着剤を用いる新しいサンプリング法の開発:分析化学, 58(4), 265-271 (2009), 保倉明子, 千葉 一, 佐竹研一, 中井 泉.
- 放射光マイクロビーム蛍光X線分析を用いたシダ植物ヘビノネゴザのPbとCuの蓄積機構に関する研究: X線分析の進歩, 40, 183-193 (2009), 三尾咲紀子,柏原輝彦,保倉明子,北島信行,後藤文之,吉原利一,阿部知子,中井 泉.
- Archaeological analysis of Roman glass excavated from Zadar, Croatia by a newly developed portable XRF spectrometer for glass: X-ray spectrometry, 38(2), 121-127 (2009), K. Tantrakarn, N. Kato, A. Hokura, I. Nakai, Y. Fujii, S. Gluščević.
- A Peculiar Yellow Flower Coloration of Camellia Using Aluminum-Flavonoid Interaction: Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science, 77(4), 402-407 (2008), Natsu Tanikawa, Teruhiko Kashiwabara, Akiko Hokura, Tomoko Abe, Michio Shibata and Masayoshi Nakayama.
- 機器分析による土砂試料の異同識別に関する基礎研究: 日本法科学技術学会誌, 13(1), 25-36 (2008), 青木英士、保倉明子、中井 泉、寺田靖子.
- Micro X-ray fluorescence imaging and micro X-ray absorption spectroscopy of cadmium hyper-accumulating plant, Arabidopsis halleri ssp. gemmifera, using high-energy synchrotron radiation: Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 23, 1068-1075 (2008), Naoki Fukuda, Akiko Hokura, Nobuyuki Kitajima, Yasuko Terada, Hiroyuki Saito, Tomoko Abe and Izumi Nakai.
- X-ray Microanalysis of Biological Samples by High-resolution Energy Dispersive Microcalorimeter Spectrometer Using a Low-voltage Scanning Electron Microscope: Chemistry Letters, 37(3), 304-305 (2008), Izumi Nakai, Yukari Baba, Keiichi Tanaka, Satoshi Nakayama, Minako Hanashima, Akiko Hokura, Yoshikazu Homma.
- Observation of Arsenic Transfer in Leaf Tissue of Hyperaccumulator Fern by Utilizing Synchrotron Radiation Micro-XRF Imaging: Chemistry Letters, 37(1), 32-33 (2008), N. Kitajima, T. Kashiwabara, N. Fukuda, S. Endo, A. Hokura, Y. Terada, I. Nakai.
- レーザーアブレーション-誘導結合プラズマ質量分析装置を用いる微量元素分析による板ガラスの特性化と鑑識科学への応用:分析化学,56(12), pp.1115-1125 (2007), 伊藤真麻、保倉明子、大石昌弘、西脇芳典、中井 泉.
- 蛍光X線分析法によるホウレンソウ中の無機元素の高感度定量及び産地判別への応用:分析化学,56(12), pp.1053-1061 (2007), 簗田陽子、保倉明子、松田賢士、水平 学、中井 泉.
- 誘導結合プラズマ質量分析装置を用いる弾丸試料の鉛同位体比分析:分析化学,55(11),pp.827-834 (2006), 田村修一,保倉明子,大石昌弘,中井 泉.
- エネルギー分散型ポータブル粉末X 線回折装置の開発とエジプトの遺跡発掘現場におけるその場分析, X線分析の進歩,37,pp. 257-272 (2006),熊谷和博,保倉明子,中井 泉,宇高 忠,谷口一雄,吉村作治.
- 三次元偏光光学系蛍光X線装置による大気浮遊粒子状物質の高感度組成分析とXANES による硫黄の状態分析, X線分析の進歩,37,pp. 337-350 (2006),南齋雄一,保倉明子,松田賢士,水平 学,中井 泉.
- 放射光蛍光X線分析を用いるヒ素高集積植物モエジマシダの根におけるヒ素の分布及び化学形態分析:分析化学,55(10),pp.743-748 (2006), 柏原輝彦,保倉明子,北島信行,小沼亮子,斉藤宏之,阿部知子,中井 泉.
- 放射光マイクロビームを用いたヒ素高集積植物モエジマシダの根における蛍光X 線イメージングと蛍光XANES 測定, X線分析の進歩,37,pp. 301-310 (2006),北島信行,小沼亮子,保倉明子,寺田靖子,中井 泉.
- The gene responsible for borate cross-linking of pectin RG-II is required for plant reproductive tissue development and fertilization, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103, 16592-16597 (2006), H. Iwai, A. Hokura, M. Oishi, H. Chida, T. Ishii, S. Sakai, S. Satoh.
- 2-D X-ray Fluorescence Imaging of Cadmium Hyperaccumulating Plants by Using High-energy Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Microbeam, Chemistry Letters, 35, 1246-1247 (2006), A. Hokura, R. Onuma, N. Kitajima, Y. Terada, H. Saito, T. Abe, S. Yoshida, I. Nakai.
- Arsenic distribution and speciation in an arsenic hyperaccumulator fern by X-ray Spectrometry utilizing a synchrotron radiation source, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 21, 321-328 (2006), Akiko Hokura, Ryoko Onuma,Yasuko Terada, Nobuyuki Kitajima,Tomoko Abe, Hiroyuki Saito, Shigeo Yoshida and Izumi Nakai.
- Amino acid adsorption onto mesoporous silica molecular sieves, Separation and Purification Technology, 48, 197-201 (2006), Andrea J. O’Connor, Akiko Hokura, Jenny M. Kisler, Shogo Shimazu, Geoffrey W. Stevens, Yu Komatsu.
- Cd Ka線を用いた蛍光X線分析法による玄米中sub-ppmレベルのCdの迅速定量,X線分析の進歩,36,pp. 235-247 (2005),永山裕之,小沼亮子,保倉明子,中井 泉,松田賢士,水平 学,赤井孝夫.
- ポータブル蛍光X線分析装置を用いるシナイ半島出土ガラスのその場分析と化学組成による特性化,分析化学,53,pp.153-160 (2004),沢田貴史,保倉明子,山田祥子,中井 泉,真道洋子.
- 3次元偏光光学系を利用したエネルギー分散型蛍光X線分析装置によるプラスチック中の有害重金属元素の高感度非破壊定量,X線分析の進歩,35,pp. 113-124 (2004),千葉晋一,保倉明子,中井 泉,水平 学,赤井孝夫.
- Chemical forms of mercury and cadmium accumulated in marine mammals and seabirds as determined by XAFS analysis, Environmental Science & Technology, 38(24), 6468-6474 (2004), Teruko Arai, Tokutaka Ikemoto, Akiko Hokura, Yasuko Terada, Takashi Kunito, Shinsuke Tanabe, and Izumi Nakai.
- Chemical Compositions of Islamic Glass from Egypt Analysed at Their Excavation Sites with A New Portable X-ray Fluosescence Spectrometer: AIHV Annales, pp.178-181 (2003), Takashi Sawada, Akiko Hokura, Izumi Nakai, Yoko Shindo.
- 新開発のポータブル蛍光X線分析装置によるエジプト,アブ・シール南丘陵遺跡出土遺物のその場分析:X線分析の進歩,34,pp. 289-306 (2003),真田貴志,保倉明子,中井 泉,前尾修二,野村惠章,谷口一雄,宇高 忠,吉村作治.
- 放射光蛍光X線分析による入皮および樹皮に記録された環境汚染史の解読:X線分析の進歩,34,pp. 307-323 (2003),石川友美,保倉明子,中井 泉,寺田靖子,佐竹研一.
- XAFS and gel filtration studies of cadmium in liver of Japanese common squid: Biomedical Research on Trace Elements, 14(4), 323-325 (2003), Tokutaka Ikemoto, Teruko Arai, Kumiko Nomura, Yasumi Anan, Takashi Kunito, Akiko Hokura, Yasuko Terada, Izumi Nakai, Shinsuke Tanabe.
- Primary Study on Capturing Behavior for Transition Metal Ions on Mesoporous Silicate (MCM-41): J. Ion Exchange, 14(supplement), pp. 173-176 (2003), Akiko Hokura, Izumi Nakai, Hirohisa Yamada, Andrea J. O’Connor, Jilska M. Perera, Geoffrey W. Stevens, Yu Komatsu.
- 放射光マイクロビームX線によるプランクトン1個体中の微量元素の2次元蛍光X線イメージング: 分析化学, (2002), 51, pp. 883-890, 江副雅子, 佐々木美穂, 保倉明子, 中井 泉, 寺田靖子,吉永龍起,塚本勝巳,荻原篤志.
- A Novel Synergism Found in the Extraction of In(III) Ion with TTA and TOPO in Carbon Tetrachloride: Proceedings of the International Solvent Extraction Conference, ISEC 2002, Ed. by K.C. Sole, P.M. Cole, J.S. Preston, D.J. Robinson, (2002) pp.425-429, Akiko Hokura, Junji Noro, Satoshi Kusakabe, late Tatsuya Sekine.
- Multielement Determination and speciation of major-to-trace elements in black tea leaves by ICP-AES and ICP-MS with the aid of size exclusion chromatography : Anal. Sci., (2001), 17, pp.391-398, Hirotaka Matsuura, Akiko Hokura, Fumie Katsuki, Akihide Itoh, Hiroki Haraguchi.
- イクラ卵細胞の多元素定量分析と化学形態別分析 : Biomedical Research on Trace Elements, (2000), 11, pp. 449-450, 松浦博孝,保倉明子,千葉光一,原口紘炁.
- 誘導結合プラズマ発光分析法及び誘導結合プラズマ質量分析法による緑茶葉試料の多元素定量分析と化学形態別分析 : 分析化学, (2000), 49, pp. 397-404, 松浦博孝, 保倉明子, 原口紘炁.
- 誘導結合プラズマ質量分析法及び誘導結合プラズマ発光分析法による野菜試料の多元素定量分析 : 分析化学, (2000), 49, pp. 387-396, 保倉明子, 小栗佐知子, 松浦博孝, 原口紘炁.
- Multielement Determination of major-to-ultratrace elements in plant reference materials by ICP-AES/ICP-MS and evaluation of their enrichment factors: Anal. Sci., (2000), 16, pp. 1161-1168, Akiko Hokura, Hirotaka Matsuura, Fumie Katsuki, Hiroki Haraguchi.
- Synergistic solvent extraction of aluminium(III), gallium(III), and indium(III) with 2-thenoyltrifluoroacetone and TOPO : Proceedings of International Solvent Extraction Conference '99, “Solvent Extraction for the 21st Century”, ed. by M. Cox, M. Hidalgo, M. Valiente, (1999), 1, pp. 561-8565. Junji Noro, Akiko Hokura, Ichiro Tanaka, Meri Yamada, Tatsuya Sekine.
- 誘導結合プラズマ質量分析法及び誘導結合プラズマ発光分析法によるサクラ試料の多元素定量分析 : 分析化学, (1998), 47, pp. 835-844. 勝木富美恵, 保倉明子, 岩畑大悟, 生熊崇人, 小栗佐知子, 原口紘炁.
- A kinetic study of nickel ion extraction by Kelex 100 at the liquid-liquid interface: Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange, (1998), 16(2), pp. 619-636. Akiko Hokura, Jilska M. Perera, Franz Grieser, and Geoffrey W. Stevens.
- Rate of association of 2-thenoyltrifluoroacetone and trioctylphosphine oxide in carbon tetrachloride-aqueous solution systems and its effect on the solvent extraction of copper(II) : Analytical Sciences, (1997), 13, pp. 19-26. Akiko Hokura and Tatsuya Sekine.
- Reduction of manganese(III) in tris(benzoyltrifluoroacetonato)Mn(III) in carbon tetrachloride in the presence of trioctylphosphine oxide: Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., (1996), 69, pp. 1565-1571. Tatsuya Sekine, Kazuhiro Osada, and Akiko Hokura.
- Rate and equilibrium of the distribution of 2-thonoyltrifluoroacetone in carbon tetrachloride-aqueous perchlorate solution systems: Analytical Sciences, (1996), 12, pp. 747-753. Tatsuya Sekine, Akiko Hokura, and Ichiro Tanaka.
- Oxidation and reduction of cerium during solvent extraction with benzoyltrifluoroacetone into nonpolar organic solvents in the absence and presence of trioctylphosphine oxide : Proceedings of International Solvent Extraction Conference '96, Melbourne, “Value adding through solvent extraction”, ed. by D. C. Shallcross, R Paimin, L. M. Prvcic, (1996), 1, pp. 81-86. Akiko Hokura, Nguyen Thi Kim Dung, and Tatsuya Sekine.
- Gradual destruction of synergistic enhancement of copper(II) extraction into carbon tetrachloride with 2-thenoyltrifluoroacetone and trioctylphosphine oxide: Solvent Extraction Research and Development, Japan, (1995), 2, pp. 102-111. Akiko Hokura and Tatsuya Sekine.